Scorhill – Shovel Down – Watern Tor – Hangingstone Hill – Whitehorse Hill – Quintin’s Man – Little Varracombe – Sittaford Tor – Long Ridge – Shovel Down – Scorhill (about 12 miles all told):

It’s been a while since I did a ‘proper’ walk. I took the hound and made various stops at streams but he seemed happy enough. The infinity pools in the old peat workings on top of Whitehorse hill looked very inviting (but I didn’t). In five hours and in beautiful weather, I only met two people – both looking after the army huts at the top of Hangingstone Hill. One of them has a very comfortable armchair and a woodburner – not what I was expecting.

Two ground beetles (a violet ground beetle and a bronze carabid), a moth that’s not in my book, small heath butterfly, wheatear, meadow pipit, stonechat and a large red damselfly, . I’m hopeless on flowers: tormentil, heath milkwort? Although, even I can recognise round-leaved sundew.