Fernworthy Forest – Grey Wethers – Longstone – Thornworthy Tor – Fernworthy

One of those days where I wandered into the moor to find the source of a stream and kept adding bits on and it turned into an 11 miler. All of a sudden there’s birdsong everywhere. Crossbills, a buzzard, chaffinches, siskins(?), reed bunting and is it a pipit on the fence? The sun was so bright that lots of the photos ended up as silhouettes, more-or-less. I’ve played with the exposure on the photo near the end but I’ve no idea what the three birds are: two crossbills and a tit of some sort, perhaps. The tree has been left untouched by the loggers but I haven’t worked out what it is yet. A job for another day – I was the wrong side of the fence. It seems that dead frogs are a regular thing, sorry! And lichens – I’m very fond of the red-topped Cladonia.