Cox Tor – Combe Tors – Smeardon Down – Boulters Tor – Stephen’s Grave – White Tor – The Langstone – Langstone Moor – Roos Tor – Staple Tors – Cox Tor (11 miles)

More photos of lichen, grass, granite and ravens – with a song thrush thrown in for good measure. There were weird anthills(?) everywhere today (if they were anthills, I vaguely remember that their spacing follows a Poisson distribution – not something that I’ve ever needed to know but I pass it on, in case you do). I went up Cox Tor (which, oddly, has moles) twice and the cloud descended both times so I can’t vouch for its amazing views. I bet they are though. Admittedly, this is very similar to yesterday’s walk (but without chips) – mainly because I got home yesterday and read that I should have visited Stephen’s Grave and the Langstone – so today I did. John Stephen’s is a sad story (whichever version you believe) but, as final resting places go, it’s hard to beat with views of White Tor, Great Mis Tor, Roos Tor, Great Staple Tor.