Postbridge – Sandy Hole Pass – Broad Marsh – Broad Down – Brown’s House – Lower White Tor – Higher White Tor – Longaford Tor – Littaford Tors – Powder Mills – Postbridge (about 10 miles):

Plan A was to go to Fur Tor but they were firing on both ranges so I yomped across Broad Down, found Brown’s Cottage (which, it turns out, has seen better days) and did a bit of tor-bagging instead. The ubiquitous baby robin, a wheatear, lots of tors, lots of bog and red flags and gunfire on the next ridge across. In all the years (30?) of going to Powder Mills Pottery, I’ve never been to the powder mills (gunpowder factory). I did today, and took the obligatory up the chimney photo, for good measure.