Little Mis Tor – Great Mis Tor – White Tor – Roos Tor – Staple Tors – Vixen Tor – Hucken Tor – King’s Tor (13 miles):
Mostly photos of granite and sphagnum bog today. I was slightly thrown by the ‘dry with light cloud’ forecast. It looked and felt like thick fog and steady rain. This was the first time I’ve given up and waded through a stream in bare feet. The army were planning to fire all day but thought better of it and took their flags down which confused me. While the flags were still up I was keeping very carefully to the left of the range markers, hoping they were good shots. I might have been singing “Soldiers to the right of me, sphagnum to the left, here I am stuck in the middle with you” to the hound. In other news: The Dartmoor Inn does very very good chips.