Chagford – Fingle Bridge

Suddenly bracket fungi and autumn leaves are coming into their own as the odd windswept butterfly struggles past. Ground beetles and Dor beetles seem to have begun their autumn marching season – maybe I just don’t notice them at other times. The young mouse was a bit sad but the bank (?) vole later on was wonderfully unconcerned as the flash went off repeatedly. He wouldn’t turn round for ages so I have lots of photos of what the Collins book describes as his “russet back, tail moderately long” (although it looked a bit shorter than moderately long to me – moderately long for a vole, perhaps). I heard nuthatches and a noisy flock of long-tailed tits charged past, declining a photo opportunity. The dipper by contrast carried on posing, diving, posing, diving again. In other news, they are reroofing the shepherd’s hut.