Scorhill – Shovel Down – Manga Rock – Watern Tor – Hangingstone Hill – Cranmere Pool – Black Ridge – Great Kneeset – Jackman’s Bottom – Ockerton Court – Hangingstone Hill – Whitehorse Hill – Quintin’s Man – Sittaford Tor – Teignhead Farm – Shovel Down – Scorhill.

A mighty walk (by my standards) today. 16.5 miles – with lots of it across the peat bogs following a compass bearing. It’s disconcerting to be standing in clumps of grass hearing water trickling below you (the neighbouring stream being called Hugh Lake, was a clue!) and sure enough, I plunged through a few holes. Bright sunshine, heavy frost, absolutely still. Lots of sweeping views, frost, a fox, lichen … I only met two people all day.