Meldon Reservoir – Black-a-tor Copse – Stenga Tor – Kitty Tor – Bleak House – Great Links Tor – Sourton Tor

A quick trip through fae country and up onto the moor. The gall was very strange. The Cramps’ ‘What’s inside a gall?’ springs to mind (or would if I could remember how it went). I saw the American flag across the valley from black-a-tor copse – and went up to have a look – all a bit sad once I’d realised why it was there (obvious, with hindsight). More cheerfully, the willow warblers, skylarks and chaffinches were in full voice. I found the hound’s long lost sister and visited a few favourite lumps of granite. Lots of people on the moor this morning – it felt very odd – I’ve got used to having it to myself. Various beetles, Speckled Wood and Peacock butterflies were out and about.
